Vritti Pranayama: How to Sama and Visama Vritti Pranayama?

In Vritti Pranayama, the ratio of breath fluctuates are regulated. Breath fluctuates in various ways, with relative length or duration of inhalation, exhaling, and there is a stagnation between them.
- There are two practices:
- Sama Vritti (equal breath) and
- Visama Vritti (unequal breath)
You will first practice these with inhale and exhalation; as part of the Kumbhaka practices, you will apply these properties to retention.
An essential part of Vritti Pranayama is the practice of holding the breath after inhaling and exhaling. We practice Kumbhaka (breath retention) to strengthen our breathing, stabilize our senses, increase inner awareness, calm the mind and energize the body. It is important to never hold the breath beyond the point of discomfort. Advanced yoga practitioners can pair one or more bandhas with kumbhaka to intensify the practice.
1. Sama Vritti Pranayama
Sama Vritti Pranayama can be practiced at any time of the day, but the best time to practice is when you need to cultivate inner peace, balance, and groundedness.
Find a quiet spot, ideally away from distractions so that you can fully concentrate and focus on the breath. It is recommended to be practiced before other exercises, as it will help prepare the body and mind for yoga asana practice, meditation and other types of pranayama. You can also use this technique while doing yoga to deepen the concentration.
- Find a comfortable sitting position that raises the hips above the knees – the pose should allow your spine to straighten. You can sit on a blanket, pillow, or chair to keep the diaphragm open for easier breathing. You can also do this exercise lying down for more comfort.
- Rest the back of the hands on the feet, palms touching the forefinger and thumb (jnana mudra) raised up.
- Start with observing the natural breath. Simply observe it without changing your breath in any way, noting how she feels in, out, and pauses in between. Let your breath flow smoothly.
- Considering the difference, start counting the duration of inhalation and exhalation.
- Next, bring an equal duration to your inhalation and exhalation, starting with a comfortable count.
- Practice slowly by practice, increasing the duration of your exhalation keeping it in balance.
- Try to make stillness and spontaneity more interesting than long or deep breaths, taking as deep a breath as you can while remaining relaxed and relaxed.
Note: While sama vritti pranayama is safe, it is necessary to know some precautions before you practice it. Pregnant women and people with high blood pressure, lung, heart, eye or ear problems should not hold their breath, should avoid this practice. Instead, just work on equalizing the length of your inhalation and exhalation. If you feel dizzy, lightheaded, or restless, stop and return to a normal relaxed breathing pattern.
2. Visama Vritti Pranayama
Visama vritti pranayama is often described as the practice of unequal breathing, or unequal proportion breathing, in contrast to its alternative proportion breathing technique, Sama vritti, in which the inhale and exhale are of exactly the same length.
When the breath is lengthened, Visama vritti is considered an invigorating pranayama. When the exhalation becomes longer, it is considered relaxed. Considered a more basic pranayama, it is recommended to master the Sama vritti pranayama before attempting the Visama vritti pranayama.
A common approach to Visama Vritti is to work toward a 1:4:2:1 ratio, which is to inhale for one count, maintain the breath for four counts, exhale twice, and inhale for one. Refers to maintain. to count. Holding the breath after exhalation is not recommended for beginners and should be worked up gradually.
- Begin practicing Visma Vritti with Sama Vritti Pranayama. At the end of a natural and balanced exhalation, try to lengthen your breath by counting one at a time as you exhale, sticking to it for several breaths.
- Try to see and feel changes in the quality of your breath as well as subtle your physical and mental reactions.
- Slowly increase the disproportionate proportions by lengthening your breaths, eventually inhaling twice as long as you exhale.
- Hold this for several minutes before returning to your natural breathing and then reverse your proportions, slowly lengthening your breath as you exhale.
Note: The path of Visama Vritti Pranayama is full of danger. So don’t practice it yourself without the personal supervision of an experienced yoga teacher/instructor/guru. Due to the different ratios for inhalation, inhalation-retention, exhalation and exhalation-retention, all systems of the body, especially your respiratory organs, heart and nerves, are overloaded and strained. This can cause tension in the brain and blood vessels, which in turn can lead to high blood pressure, restlessness, and irritation.