Beginner, Yoga

Half Boat Pose (Ardha Navasana): Steps, Benefits, and Contraindications

Half Boat Pose (Ardha Navasana) - ShedBody
10 min read
Updated: December 15, 2024

Half Boat Pose, also known as Ardha Navasana, strengthens the core, rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, obliques, lower back, spine, and erector spinae, while stretching the hip flexor muscles.


Known as:Half Boat Pose, Ardha Navasana
Sanskrit name:अर्ध नवासन
IAST:Ardha Nāvāsana
Pronunciation:Ard-ha Na-va-sa-na
Type:Forward-Bend, balance, strength
Focus:Core, spine, lower back, pelvis
Total time:30 to 60 seconds
Drishti:Directed towards the toes or the tips of the fingers
Chakra:Manipura Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra), Swadhisthana Chakra (Sacral Chakra), Muladhara Chakra (Root Chakra)
Indications:Abdominal, rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, obliques, lower back, spine, erector spinae, pelvis, hip flexor, belly fat, digestive organs, digestion, kidney, blood circulation, detoxification, homeostasis, stress, anxiety, depression
Counterposes:Child’s Pose (Balasana), Supine Twist Pose (Supta Matsyendrasana), Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana), Corpse Pose (Savasana)
Preparatory poses:Boat Pose Variation with Bent Knees, Supine Abdominal Exercises, Seated Forward Bend Pose (Paschimottanasana), Boat Pose with Support, Core Strengthening Exercises (like Plank Pose, Forearm Plank, or Leg Raises)
Follow-up poses:Boat Pose (Navasana), High Plank Pose (Phalakasana), Upward Plank Pose (Purvottanasana), Seated Forward Bend Pose (Paschimottanasana), Savasana (Corpse Pose)
Contraindications:Neck, back, hip, knee, or ankle injury, Asthma and diarrhea, Insomnia or heavy head, Pregnancy or menstruation


The term “Ardha Navasana” is a Sanskrit name, which is made of three words – Ardha + Nava + Asana:

  1. Ardha” = “half” or “semi”
  2. Nava” = “boat”
  3. Asana” = “pose” or “posture”

Therefore, the name “Ardha Navasana” can be understood as the “Half Boat Pose” or a modified version of the full Boat Pose where the legs are bent instead of fully extended.

Benefits of Half Boat Pose (Ardha Navasana)

The Half Boat Pose offers various physical, mental and emotional benefits, which are giving below:

Physical benefits:

  • Core strength: The pose is primarily a core-strengthening pose. It targets the abdominal muscles, including the rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, and obliques. Regular practice can help develop a strong and toned core, enhancing overall stability and posture.
  • Hip flexor stretch: Ardha Navasana engages the hip flexor muscles as the legs are lifted off the floor. It helps to improve flexibility and release tension in the hip flexors, which can become tight due to prolonged sitting or sedentary lifestyles.
  • Spinal strength and flexibility: This asana strengthens the muscles along the spine, including the erector spinae. It also improves spinal flexibility and mobility, promoting a healthy and supple spine.
  • Balance and coordination: Balancing on the sitting bones in Half Boat Pose requires concentration, stability, and coordination. Regular practice can enhance balance skills and body awareness.
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Mental and emotional benefits:

  • Increased focus and concentration: This asana demands mental focus to maintain balance and proper form. Practicing this asana cultivates concentration and helps calm the mind by directing attention to the present moment.
  • Confidence and empowerment: As you build strength and stability in Ardha Navasana, it can boost self-confidence and a sense of empowerment. Overcoming challenges in this pose can translate to greater self-belief in other areas of life.
  • Energizing and uplifting: This pose stimulates the abdominal region and activates the core muscles, which can invigorate the body and provide an energy boost. It can also help release stagnant energy, leaving you feeling refreshed and revitalized.
  • Mind-body connection: Engaging the core and balancing in Ardha Navasana requires a strong mind-body connection. This asana encourages the integration of breath, body, and mind, promoting a sense of harmony and unity.

Half Boat Pose Practice Guide

Half Boat Pose focuses on strengthening the core muscles while improving balance and stability. In Ardha Navasana, the practitioner sits on the mat with the legs extended in front of them. The torso and legs are lifted off the ground, creating a “V” shape with the body. The arms can be extended parallel to the legs or held alongside the body for support.

Ardha Navasana engages the abdominal muscles, hip flexors, and lower back, helping to develop core strength and tone the abdominal region. It also requires focus and concentration to maintain balance, promoting mental and emotional stability.

However, the step-by-step instructions, common mistakes, modifications, variations, precautions, and contraindications of this yoga asana are explaining below:

Step-by-step Instructions

  1. Assume dandasana by sitting on your mat with your legs straightened and extended in front of you.
  2. Place your feet on the mat and position your hands at your sides while bending your knees.
  3. Roll your shoulders backward and lean slightly backward.
  4. Place your hands behind your knees.
  5. Inhale and begin raising your feet off the floor, extending your lower legs until they are parallel to the ground.
  6. Strive to find balance on your sitting bones.
  7. Release your hands and extend your arms forward, with your fingers pointing ahead. Ensure that they remain parallel to the floor, aligned with your lower legs.
  8. Maintain the pose for 30-60 seconds, while continuing to breathe normally.
  9. Exhale and grasp your knees, lowering your feet back to the floor.
  10. Inhale and draw your upper body toward the center, keeping your spine straight.
  11. Exhale and straighten your legs, returning your hands to the floor.

Common Mistakes

Common mistakes in performing the Ardha Navasana can occur due to various factors, including lack of proper alignment, insufficient core engagement, or improper breathing. Regular practice, patience, and mindful awareness of your body will also contribute to performing this asana correctly and safely.

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However, the common mistakes of Half Boat Pose are explaining below:

1. Rounded or collapsing spine

This mistake often occurs when there is a lack of core engagement and awareness. It can lead to a loss of balance and reduced effectiveness of the pose. To correct this, focus on lengthening your spine, engaging your core muscles, and maintaining a straight and lifted posture.

2. Straining the neck

Some practitioners tend to strain their neck by jutting their chin forward or looking upwards excessively. This can cause discomfort and unnecessary tension. To avoid this, keep your gaze forward or slightly downward, maintaining a neutral position for your neck.

3. Lack of leg extension

In Ardha Navasana, it is crucial to extend your lower legs parallel to the floor. However, many people struggle to achieve this due to tight hamstrings or limited core strength. Work on gradually improving your flexibility and core strength over time. You can modify the asana by keeping your knees slightly bent until you develop the necessary strength and flexibility.

4. Holding breath or shallow breathing

Holding your breath or breathing shallowly can lead to tension and disrupt the flow of energy. Remember to maintain a steady and deep breath throughout the asana. Inhale as you prepare and exhale as you engage your core and lift your legs.

5. Gripping the mat with hands

Some individuals tend to grip or tense their hands excessively during Half Boat Pose. This can create unnecessary tension and reduce stability. Instead, maintain a gentle and relaxed grip or allow your fingertips to lightly touch the mat for support while focusing on engaging your core and balancing on your sitting bones.

Modifications and Variations

Modifications and variations of Ardha Navasana can be beneficial to accommodate different levels of strength, flexibility, and body conditions. They are valuable because they allow practitioners to adapt the asana to their individual needs and abilities. They help in gradually building strength, flexibility, and balance while reducing the risk of injury.

However, the modifications and variations of Half Boat Pose are explaining below:

  1. Knee-bent variation: If straightening the legs fully is challenging, you can modify the asana by keeping the knees bent. This reduces the strain on the hamstrings and allows for greater ease in maintaining balance. As you build strength and flexibility, gradually work towards straightening the legs.
  2. Supported variation: Placing your hands beside your hips or holding onto the backs of your thighs can provide additional support and stability during the asana. This modification is helpful for those who struggle with maintaining balance or have weak core muscles. As your core strength improves, you can gradually release the support and practice the pose with the arms extended forward.
  3. One-legged variation: To intensify the challenge and further engage the core muscles, you can lift one leg off the ground while keeping the other leg extended. This variation requires increased stability and balance. Start by lifting one leg at a time, and as you develop strength and stability, you can progress to alternating between legs.
  4. Dynamic variation: Instead of holding the asana statically, you can add movement to the asana by lowering the legs towards the floor and lifting them back up repeatedly. This dynamic variation increases the engagement of the core muscles and adds an element of challenge and endurance to the practice.
  5. Use of props: Props such as yoga blocks or straps can be used to support the asana. Placing a block between the thighs can help activate the inner thighs and enhance stability. Straps can be looped around the feet and held to assist with leg extension if flexibility is limited.
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Precautions and Contraindications of Half Boat Pose

Precautions and contraindications in Half Boat Pose are crucial to ensure the safety and well-being of practitioners. Always prioritize your safety and well-being during the practice. The precautions and contraindications of Ardha Navasana are explaining below:

1. Straight back and avoiding slouching

It is crucial to maintain a straight back and avoid slouching during the asana. This helps to protect the spine, maintain proper alignment, and prevent strain or injury to the back muscles. Slouching can put excessive pressure on the lower back and compromise the integrity of the asana. By practicing with a straight back, you ensure optimal alignment and maximize the benefits of the asana.

2. Neck, back, hip, knee, or ankle injury

Individuals with injuries in the neck, back, hips, knees, or ankles should approach Half Boat Pose with caution or avoid it altogether. The pose places demands on these areas, and performing it incorrectly or with compromised stability can exacerbate existing injuries or cause further damage. It is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or experienced yoga teacher/instructor for modified asanas or alternative exercises that are safe for your specific condition.

3. Asthma and diarrhea

Ardha Navasana involves engaging the core muscles, which can put pressure on the abdominal region. For individuals with asthma or those experiencing diarrhea, this pressure may be uncomfortable or exacerbate symptoms. It is recommended to avoid practicing this asana during acute episodes of asthma or when dealing with diarrhea. Focus on restorative or gentle practices instead until symptoms subside.

4. Insomnia or heavy head

Ardha Navasana requires a certain level of focus, balance, and engagement. Practicing this asana with insomnia or a heavy head can be challenging and may lead to decreased concentration or increased discomfort. It is best to prioritize rest and relaxation if you are experiencing insomnia or a heavy head. Engaging in calming and grounding practices, such as meditation or gentle stretching, can be more suitable during such times.

5. Pregnancy or menstruation

Half Boat Pose puts pressure on the abdomen and may not be suitable for pregnant individuals, especially as the pregnancy progresses. It is advisable to avoid intense core work during pregnancy and instead focus on poses that are safe and supportive for the changing body. Similarly, during menstruation, intense core engagement may not be comfortable for some individuals. It is crucial to honor your body’s needs and consider modified asanas or gentle practices during this time.

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