Full body stretching yoga sequence to stretch every single muscle
Many athletes see yoga as a way to increase stretch and mobility, but yoga can also be a challenging, full physical workout. Full body stretching yoga sequence are part of a group of functional yoga asanas, which means increasing athletic performance.
This full body stretching yoga sequence asanas given below will challenge your single leg balance, core stability, muscular strength and cardiovascular stamina.
The goal of a full body stretching yoga sequence is to remain tight and fluid as you transition from posture to posture. Once you make your way to push-ups and core work, your focus should be on maintaining the best alignment, challenging your strengths.
The full body stretching yoga sequence must be done all the way to the right, and then to the left. Then repeat the sequence on both sides one more time.
13 yoga sequence poses for full body stretching
This Full Body Stretch Yoga Flow is a sequence of yoga postures designed to stretch and strengthen the entire body. It typically includes a variety of standing, seated, and prone poses that target different muscle groups, from the neck and shoulders to the hips and legs. This type of yoga flow is a great way to improve flexibility, increase range of motion, and release tension and stress throughout the body. It can also help improve posture, balance, and overall physical and mental well-being. The flow is typically performed in a series of postures, with each pose held for several breaths before moving on to the next one.
- Dancer pose
- Triangle pose
- Warrior pose III
- Plow pose
- Camel pose
- One legged king pigeon pose
- One legged downward facing pose
- Cobra pose
- Extended side angle pose
- One legged side plank pose
- Tree pose
- Standing forward bend pose
- Spinal twist pose
Step-by-step Full Body Stretch Yoga Flow Instructions
1. Dance pose
In the list of “full body stretching yoga sequence” Dancer pose (Natarajasana) benefits in several muscle groups includes:
- Strengthens muscles of legs, ankles, back and gluteal.
- The hip flexors (peso muscles) open as a counter to tighten the hips, which develops from too much sitting.
- Improves balance and focus.
- Stretch chest, shoulder, thigh, abdominal muscles and core strength.
- Increases energy and warms the body.
There are many variations of Natarajasana. Are not in a hurry to “progress” too quickly. No one form or shape is better than another. If you experience discomfort or cramps, especially in the thigh or around the knee of the raised leg, then focus on flexing the leg while in the posture.
- Begin by standing tall in mountain pose (tadasana) with your weight evenly distributed in your feet.
- Shift your weight to the right leg. Raise your left foot off the floor by bending your left leg. In this posture, keep your left knee towards your midline.
- Understand the example of your left leg with your left hand. Your thumb is resting on the sole of your foot and pointing to your toes.
- Raise your right arm straight to the ceiling.
- When you bring your torso forward as a force, lift your left leg. Remember that your left knee should not rip to the side. Your right hand will also move forward.
- Hit your left leg vigorously in your left hand, to raise the leg high and deepen the backbend. Keep your left toes active.
- Fix your gaze on something that does not move so that you do not lose balance.
- Hold 5 to 10 breaths. Back your left leg with your right. Repeat the pose on the other side.
2. Triangle pose
For the lay person or yogi, the triangle posture is a great back and strengthen the core. The rigors of everyday life have a tendency to weaken our backs.
Properly and consistently done, the triangle pose has many benefits:
- Muscles around legs, knees, ankle joints, hips, waist muscles, hamstrings, calves, shoulders, chest and spine.
- Strengthens leg, knees, ankles, abdominal, slant, and back
- Stimulates the function of abdominal organs
- Relieves stress
- Improves digestion and constipation
- Helps reduce back pain and menopause symptoms
- Used clinically for anxiety, infertility, neck pain, and sciatica
- Rotate the right toes from the standing position of 3 feet with the feet like a star with five positions, the right wall and the left toes slightly inward.
- Exhale and press the left hips to the left as you slide both hands parallel to the floor to the right.
- Exhale and rotate the arms only, raise the left arm up and rest the right arm in front of the right leg, so that the palms are facing forward.
- Push the feet up, raise the knee caps up, so that the feet remain strong. Reach the tips of the fingers from each other, bringing the arms in a straight line with the shoulders away from each other. Push the left hip forward and the right hip backward.
- Inhale and hold for 3-6 breaths.
- To release: Inhale and move the raised arm up towards the ceiling, as you press the feet to return to the 5 pointed wires using the entire body.
3. Warrior pose III
Warrior pose III strengthens the entire back side of the body, including shoulders, hamstrings, calves, ankles, and back. It also tone and strengthen the abdominal muscles. Warrior III improves balance, posture and full-body coordination.
- Take a deep breath and keep your feet 4 to 5 feet apart.
- With exhalation, bend the right foot 90 degrees and the right foot 45-60 degrees to the right.
- Bend the right knee until your thigh is parallel to the floor and perpendicular to your calf. The knee should be right in front of your heel, making sure that it is not extending beyond the heel.
- Exhale and tilt your trunk forward until your chest rests on your thigh. Bring your palms closer to join both of your palms. Keep the arms straight. Hold this position for 2 breaths.
- Shift your body weight slowly to your right leg as you lift the left leg off the floor.
- Simultaneously raise your left leg (keeping it straight) and straighten your right leg. The knee of the left leg should be downwards. Look either straight or down.
- The entire body, except the right leg, runs parallel to the floor in the final position of the Warrior Mudra III.
- Once you find balance, spread your hands forward and your legs backwards.
- Take deep breaths and maintain posture for 5 to 30 seconds.
- To come out of the pose, bend and lower the left foot back onto the floor with the right foot bent.
- Practice from the other side again.
4. Plow pose
Plow pose opens the neck, shoulders and back. By constricting the stomach, it massages and tones the digestive organs, thereby improving detoxification. It is great to have in the list of full body stretching yoga sequence.
This pose stimulates and controls the thyroid gland, relieves excess phlegm and mucus and regulates breathing. Calms and restores the sympathetic nervous system, improves memory and concentration, and relieves stress and fatigue.
It nourishes the spine and rejuvenates the whole body. This pose is also therapeutic for headaches, infertility and insomnia.
Plow pose is often entered from the shoulder stand, so get this pose first:
- Lie on the mat on your back.
- Raise both legs above the ceiling to make a 90-degree angle with your torso.
- Place your hands behind your low back and use your core to lift your hips and feet higher towards the ceiling.
- Now you are balancing on your shoulders and back of your neck.
- Keep your core tight, your legs together and your eyes on your navel.
Now move to the solution:
- Bring your feet behind your head to the floor.
- If your toes touch the floor, and you feel safe, release your hands from your lower back and fasten them together on the mat under your back.
- This is an advanced change and is done only under the guidance of a trained teacher. If you are feeling unsteady, keep supporting your lower back.
5. Camel pose
Camel pose extends to the front of the body, including the chest, abdomen, and quadriceps. This improves spinal mobility, on which days you are likely to sit or bend your spine and bend.
By doing a backbend you are flexing it in the opposite direction and it can help you develop better posture. It is said to open the heart chakra, which is the energy center for your love, care and compassion.
- Place your knees on the yoga mat and place your hands on the hips.
- Your knees should conform to the shoulders and the sole of your feet should face the roof.
- As you inhale, pull your tail bone towards the pubis as if being pulled from the navel.
- Simultaneously, arch your back and slide your palms over your feet until the hands are straight.
- Don’t strain or flex your neck, keep it in a neutral position.
- Stay in this posture for one or two breaths.
- Exhale and slowly return to the initial posture.
- Withdraw your hands and bring them back to your hips as soon as you are straight.
6. One legged king pigeon pose
The pigeon pose specifically works as a hip opener and forward bend, stretching your thighs, waist, back, piriformis, and peso. The back extended leg gets a stretch of the peso and other hip flexors. On the other hand, the rotators and outer hips are stretched.
It is a good antidote to sit for a long time. This prepares you for sitting posture and backbend.
- Start on your hands and knees in a downward-facing dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana), or in a table pose.
- Bring your right knee between your hands, place your right ankle near your left wrist.
- Spread your left leg behind you so that your knees and the top of your foot rest on the floor.
- While lifting your fingers away from your thigh, press with your fingers.
- Enlarge the front of your body. Drop your tailbone back towards your heel.
- Work on squirting in front of your hips and the front of your torso, on the front of your mat.
- Pull down through your front-leg calf and balance your weight evenly between your right and left hips.
- Flex your front leg. Push down through the top of all five toes of the back foot.
- Look down softly. Hold for one minute.
- To release the pose, tuck the claws of your back, raise your back knee above the mat, and then press yourself into the downward-facing dog.
- Repeat for the same time on the other side.
7. One legged downward facing pose
A one-legged downward-facing dog opens the hips, stretches the thigh muscles and tightens the abdominals.
Additional benefits include:
- Strengthens bones, prevents osteoporosis
- Improves flexibility through hips, back and arms
- Relieves insomnia and headaches through improved blood flow
- Provides relief from asthma, insomnia, fatigue, menopausal symptoms and sciatica.
- Start in Downward Facing Dog.
- On one breath, raise your right leg above the ground behind you.
- Keeping the right leg raised, place your hips with each other. The hips should remain squared along the floor.
- Continue releasing the left heel towards the floor. Try to keep equal weight in both your arms.
- Raise through the raised heel and crown of your head.
- After holding the posture with the hips for several breaths, you can open the right hip, resting it on the left hip.
- Here you are opening the hips, try to bend the torso to the left.
- In the open hips position, you can bend the right knee and the right heel to your left buttock.
- After several breaths, straighten the right leg and place your hips back towards the floor.
- Drop the right foot back on the floor. Take several breaths in the dog below.
- Repeat the sequence on the left.
8. Cobra pose
Cobra pose is known for its ability to increase spine flexibility. It extends the chest, strengthening the spine and shoulders. It also helps to open the lungs, which is therapeutic for asthma. This pose stimulates the abdominal organs, improves digestion.
An energetic backbend, cobra reduces stress and fatigue. It also builds and tones the shoulders, abdomen and buttocks and helps reduce the pain of sciatica.
- Start by lying on your stomach.
- Place your palms on the ground directly below your shoulders. Bend your elbows straight back and hug them at your sides.
- Stop for the moment looking straight down at your mat with your neck in a neutral position. Anchor your pubic bone on the floor.
- Inhale to lift your chest from the floor. Roll your shoulders back and place your lower ribs on the floor. Make sure your elbows continue to hug your sides. Do not let them exit on both sides.
- Keep your neck neutral. Do not crank it. Your gaze should remain on the floor.
9. Extended side angle pose
Paralakonasana relieves stiffness in the shoulders and back. It provides a deeper stretch to the gorge and hamstrings, and also improves stamina.
This posture strengthens the legs, knees and ankles, as well as stretching and toning the abdominal muscles. It is considered therapeutic for constipation, infertility, sciatica, menstrual discomfort and low back pain.
- Start in Warrior II move your right leg forward.
- Extending your right arm to the top of your mat, extending through the sides of your torso.
- Whenever you can reach, move your right hand down and left hand towards the ceiling, with both palms on the left side of your mat.
- Pull both shoulders away from your ears. Square your shoulders to the left side of your mat.
- Hold for 3-5 breaths, then return to Warrior II and release.
- Repeat on the other side.
10. One legged side plank pose
This posture improves flexibility, balance, and strength of the core muscles, these benefits in one-legged side planks pose:
- Strengthens and tones hands, shoulders, wrists and feet
- Stretches hamstrings
- Improves focus and concentration
- Increases self-esteem and confidence
- Enhances will
- Stabilizes the lower back and abdominal muscles
- Keep your chest to the left as you place your left leg directly above your right foot. Keep your legs straight and flex both feet vigorously.
- Your left hip rests directly on your right. Both hips want to be relaxed, so raise them energetically to counteract the pull towards the floor.
- Move your gaze to your left fingers.
- After several breaths, put your left hand and foot back on the floor to return to a plank. Then do the pose on the other side.
11. Tree pose
Vriksasana/tree pose leaves you in a state of rejuvenation. It extends the legs, back and arms, and stimulates you. It brings balance and balance in your mind. Also helps in improving concentration. This asana has been found to relieve some cases of sciatica. Helps those who suffer from sciatica. It makes the legs firmer, improves balance and opens the hips.
- Stand in the mountain pose (Tadasana) with your hands in the Anjali posture in your heart center.
- For a moment feel the root of both your feet on the floor with evenly distributed weight on all four corners of your foot.
- Start shifting your weight to your right foot while removing your left foot from the floor. Keep your right leg straight but do not lock the knee.
- Bend your left knee and bring the sole of your left foot to your inner right thigh.
- Push your leg back into your thigh and your thigh back into your foot with equal pressure. This will help you keep both hips squared in front so that your right hip does not go out.
- Focus on your gaze (Drishti) which does not move to help maintain your balance.
- Take 5 to 10 breaths, then move your left leg to the floor and do it on the other side.
12. Standing forward bend pose
Uttanasana combines the benefits of further folds and inversions. Leaving your head under your heart calms your mind. It helps in relieving tension, headache, anxiety, fatigue, mild depression and insomnia.
Uttanasana also extends your hamstrings and calves deeply. It opens the hips and can relieve tension in the neck and shoulders. Practicing this mudra stimulates the liver and kidneys while improving digestion. Standing forward bend pose is considered therapeutic for stress, asthma, sinusitis, hypertension, infertility, and osteoporosis.
- With the raised hands posture (Urdhva Hastan) with raised arms, bend your hands downward on both sides of your body with your hips forward.
- Bring your fingers in line with the toes. Push your palms flat if you can.
- If you do not reach the floor you can use the block under your hands.
- Slightly bend the knees so that they are not locked.
- Attach the muscles of your quadriceps and attract them.
- The more you use your quads, the more the hamstrings (muscles behind the thighs) will open.
- Bring your weight slightly forward into the balls of your feet so that your hips stay above your ankles.
- Let hang your head.
- To coming up: Place your hands on your hips. Pushing your tailbone down and slowly lift up, shrink your abdominal muscles.
13. Spinal twist pose
Seated Spinal Twist Pose is a restorative yoga pose that promotes good digestion and encourages spinal mobility. Ghoom asana helps tone the stomach, massage internal organs and can help relieve lower back pain. Often performed at the end of a full body stretching yoga sequence, this pose is simultaneously relaxing and refreshing.
- Sit on a folded blanket, feet directly in front of you.
- Inhale and place your knees near the chest, both feet on the floor.
- Drop your left leg down, resting the leg against the right buttock.
- Raise your right foot and place it on top of your left foot, knee towards the ceiling, right ankle with left knee.
- Draw the right leg towards the body. Do whatever degree of comfort your body is allowed to.
- Exhale, and then exhaling, bring the left elbow out of the right knee at the right turn.
- Hold the pose for 30 seconds, take slow and deep breaths. Repeat on the other side.