
Bharadvajasana II (Bound Half-Lotus Twist Pose)

Bharadvajasana II (Bound Half-Lotus Twist Pose) - ShedBody
5 min read
Updated: November 3, 2024

Bharadvajasana II, also known as Bound Half-Lotus Twist Pose or Bhardvaja’s Twist II, is a gentle twist of the lower abdomen, close to the navel, improves muscle strength, and also helps improve digestion.

The center of the human body according to yoga is the navel, and here Bharadvajasana II gives positive benefits of toning the core, stretching and strengthening the spinal muscles, increasing shoulder flexibility.


Known as:Bharadvajasana II, Bound Half-Lotus Twist Pose, Bharadvaja’s twist II
Sanskrit name:भरद्वाजासन II
IAST:Bharadvājāsana II
Pose type:Twist
Total time:30-60 seconds
Over the shoulder
Chakra:Anahata Chakra, Muladhara Chakra
Indications:Second trimester pregnancy, neck pain, sciatica, lower backache
Counterpose: Dandasana (Staff Pose)
Preparatory poses:Butterfly Pose, Reclining Hand to Big Toe PoseUtthita Trikonasana, Warrior 2 Pose, Hero PoseVrikshasana
Follow-up poses:Bound Angle Pose, Supine Hand to Toe PoseTrikonasanaWarrior II Pose, Hero Pose, Tree Pose, Standing Forward Bend PoseSeated Forward Bend Pose, Head-to-Knee Pose
Contraindications:Insomnia, low or high blood pressure, (do gentle variation), Hip, knee injury or ankle injury (do gentle variation), Headache

Meaning + Origin

The Bharadvajasana is derived from the Sanskrit name, which is made up of two words — Bhardvaja + asana:

  1. Bhardvaja” = “bringing about nourishment”
  2. asana” = “pose or posture”

Named after one of the seven great Hindu sage Bharadvaja, Bharadvajasana is a seated twist pose seen in the Iyengar and Ashtanga styles of yoga. Bharadvaja was a wise seer who is believed to have composed the hymns, which were later collected in ancient texts called the Vedas, around 1500 BCE. This yoga pose is sometimes referred to as the “pose dedicated to the sage Bharadvaja”.

Practicing this twist can help rebalance your body from head to toe, in and out. It can calm your mind and allow you to feel more peaceful – which may have been felt by Bharadvaja when he composed his hymns!

The Bharadvajasana II, combines Half Hero Pose, Half Lotus Pose and a bind that creates a visually and physically satisfying twist.

Benefits of Bharadvajasana II (Bound Half-Lotus Twist Pose)

Like all twist poses in yoga, Bharadvajasana II helps relieve stress by “squeezing out” the anxiety and negative emotions of daily life, like a sponge out.

This pose helps strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which can be beneficial for women suffering from menstrual disorders such as PCOD or painful periods. Doing Bharadvajasana II can be beneficial for women suffering from endometriosis or menopause. 1

Sitting with a satisfying bend on the spine is all that it demands to provide immense physical and mental benefits.

  1. Physical Benefits:
  2. Mental Benefits:

Steps to Bharadvajasana II (Bound Half-Lotus Twist Pose)

  • Sit on the floor with your legs spread (Dandasana or Staff Pose). Bend your right leg back so that your ankle is on the outside of your hip. Keeping your hands facing forward, bring the fingers back and press your fingers to the floor. Lift-up through the sides of your body and pull your lower back in and up.
  • Bend your left leg and clasp your ankle and foot in your hands. Keep your left foot flexed and your toes wide apart.
  • Pull your heel towards your navel and bring your left foot into half lotus. Rest the top of your foot beside your right thigh. Press the outer part of your foot into the crease of your thigh, extending your inner ankle. Bring the right hand behind your back and place the left hand on your right knee.
  • Reach around your back and grab your left leg. Place your right hand on your left knee. Actively press the right hand against the knee. With each exhalation, deepen the twist. With each inhale, lengthen your spine. Inhale, stretch from your lower abdomen to the crown of your head, exhale and twist from your lower abdomen to the top of your torso.
  • Hold on for a few breaths. Release and repeat on the other side.

Precautions and Contraindications

Always work within the limits of your limits and abilities. If you have any medical concerns, talk to your doctor before practicing yoga. While Bharadvajasana II (Bound Half-Lotus Twist Pose) looks simple and easy, below are some precautions to keep in mind as you practice:

  • Avoid practicing this yoga pose if you are suffering from diarrhea.
  • Do not practice this yoga pose with a headache.
  • Women should not practice this yoga asana during menstruation.
  • Avoid practicing Bharadvajasana II if you have a recent or chronic injury to your knees, hips or spine.
  • Individual with back pain, back injury, or degenerative disc disease should approach this pose with caution and try to practice it only under the guidance of an experienced and knowledgeable yoga teacher/instructor.
  • Avoid this yoga pose even if you are currently experiencing high blood pressure or low blood pressure, insomnia, headache.


  1. January 2015; Laxmipriya Dei, Sarvesh Kumar, Anjali Verma, Kamini Dhiman: Management of PCOS: A Psychosomatic Disorder by Yoga Practice[]

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