Beginner, Yoga

Beam Pose (Parighasana) Steps and Benefits

Beam pose (Parighasana) Steps and Benefits - ShedBody
6 min read
Updated: August 24, 2024

Beam Pose (Parighasana) is a knee bending posture of hatha yoga. It gives a deep lateral stretch to the sides of the body; Focuses on opening the shoulders, spine, hamstrings, and pulling the sides of the body together. It also activates the lungs and abdominal organs.

Meaning of Beam Pose (Parighasana)

  • Parigha + asana:
    • Parigha” = “a strong bar, or beam that shuts a gate, or cross-bar”
    • asana” = “pose or posture”


Known as:Beam Pose, Parighasana, Cross-bar pose, Gate Pose
Sanskrit name:परिघासन
Type:Lateral bending
Total time:30 to 60 seconds
Drishti:Forward; Upward
Chakra:Manipura Chakra, Swadisthana Chakra, Muladhara Chakra
Focus:Shoulders, spine, hamstrings
Counterposes:Balasana (Child’s Pose), Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana), Extended Triangle Pose (Utthita Trikonasana), Warrior II Pose (Virabhadrasana II), Seated Forward Fold (Paschimottanasana)
Preparatory poses:Adho Mukha Svanasana, Baddha Konasana, VirasanaPrasarita Padottanasana, Supta PadangusthasanaUpavistha Konasana, Utthita Parsvakonasana, Utthita Trikonasana
Follow-up poses:Trikonasana, Utthita Parsvakonasana, Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana
Indications:Energizes abdomen and lungs
Contraindications:Modification for knee injuryHip or groin injurySciaticaHigh blood pressure—keep both hands above heart level

Benefits of Beam Pose (Parighasana)

With all parts of different muscles and attractive, Beam Pose (Parighasana) comes with many benefits which are given below:

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1. Stretch, strong and length

The Beam Pose (Parighasana) works on different parts of the body. On extended legs, it spreads to hamstring, calves and internal thighs. With knee on the floor, it spreads PSOAS muscles (hip flexors), external thighs (quadriceps), obliques, intercostal muscles, triceps, and Latissimus Dorsi (the biggest muscle behind).

This yoga pose strengthens gluts, pelvic floor, and skew. This helps to increase side body. It also helps in spreading the IT band, which makes it a very beneficial yoga pose for athletes, runners, and players.

2. Flexibility and speed limit

Beam Pose (Parighasana) is a hip opener because it helps in the lateral expansion of Hip Flexor. Works on lateral spreading ‘Quadratus Liporam’, which starts with the pelvic floor and raises the lowest ribs. It is responsible for the stabilization of the pelvic, and one of the primary causes of pain in the lower part.

Beam Pose (Parighasana) helps leaving hardness in a lower part, which helps to increase the speed of spinal muscles in return.

3. Chest, diaphragm, and breath

The hardness of the intercostal muscle can cause a small and small breath, because the lungs are not able to fully expand. Since the intercostal muscles of the extended side are spread, therefore helps to expand the lungs into their full potential during breathing. Do not perform a posture even if it allows one to draw in a deep breath.

4. Alignment and posture

To get the best form Beam Pose (Parighasana), alignment plays an important role. Individuals should be asked to avoid going into a flexibility, which will take over the pelvic, put more pressure in the lower part. Attach the pelvis to avoid it and place it (move them forward).

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To understand this alignment first, by resting the ball balls on the wall, individuals can be presented with this yoga pose with the support of the walls. It helps to engage the deep muscles of the pelvis (and strengthens gluts).

This small adjustment in alignment allows to open the hips even more, and therefore can be included in classes for those who spend a lot of time (in the office, or traveling), and even That too for individuals in Teen Yoga.

5. Excitation and organ

This lateral bend helps to stimulate the internal organs with deep muscle stretch and contract. On the left side of the stomach, small intestinal and pancreas, and rightly reside the gallbladder, liver and large intestine. As a playback goes into stretch, it is compressed on one side of the stomach, which reduces blood circulation in the area.

It creates ‘squeeze and release’ speed on the organs, which enhances its efficiency after resuming blood circulation. The organs get a stretch on the extended side, which helps to stimulate stability in the organs.

6. Medical and treatment

Beam Pose (Parighasana) helps in increasing the body’s immunity in various ways. First of all, since the chest is able to expand more than ever, it helps to increase the functioning of the respiratory system.

It helps reduce the frequency and intensity of allergies in the period of time. Second, it stimulates the Lymphatic system because one hand overhead runs, because there are lymph nodes next to the body, which play an integral part in the immunity. It helps promote lymphatic flow in the body, which contains antibodies.

ALSO READ:  Parivrtta Utkatasana (Revolved Chair Pose): Steps, Benefits, and Contraindications

Thus, for those who need this practice, the same individuals can be included in Therapy Yoga with the required proportion to help in the yoga posture. With the playback stretch, it also helps in improving digestion, and to some extent those people are related to IBD and can also address back pain.

Step-by-step Beam Pose (Parighasana)

  1. Take kneel on the floor with your hands on your hips and flex your feet.
  2. Take out your right foot and keep your legs with your left knee. Change your right foot to the angle.
  3. Breathing and spread your arms, parallel with the floor. To keep your feet straight, attach the muscle band over your right knee. Proceed through the edges of your body.
  4. Breath and attract muscles at the root of your pelvis from your right foot. Take your back to your waist, increase your tail, go round your back, and bring your torso ahead. Remove, take your torso to the right, and slide your feet to your right hand, facing the palm. Bring your left hand from the edge of your ear.
  5. Remove your back round, drag your right hand on the left, and touch your palms together. Stay for some breath. To release, drag your feet towards each other, breathe and stand. Repeat on the other side.

Precautions and Contraindications

  • Individual who have a serious injury or problem in the knees or hips, especially those involved in joints, should take extreme caution in this yoga posture.
  • For an individual with mild knee pain or discomfort, bring a folded blanket below the knees.
  • Individual with shoulder injuries may place the arm above the hip rather than raise it to the ceiling.