
How to do Donkey hop to one leg reach

How to do Donkey hop to one leg reach - ShedBody
4 min read
Updated: November 3, 2024

“Donkey hop to one leg reach” is a bodyweight exercise, it can be done anywhere. This is a HIIT cardio-based movement exercise and whole body muscles works, and depending on your physical condition you will need to adapt it for easier or more difficult.

This exercise will connect your whole body; Especially hamstrings, triceps, biceps, abdominals, etc.

Cut the fat burning benefits of “Donkey hop to one-leg reach” exercise with our guides and tips.

Steps of Donkey hop to one-leg reach

  • Shifting your weight into your hands, use your core to jump and lift both feet off the ground.
  • As you land, kick one leg through and bring the opposite arm to rest on your head.
  • If this is too much, try plank hops, jumping from a plank to bring both feet to the right of your hands (hands remain planted), back to plank, and then jumping to the opposite side.
  • Perform 3-4 sets and 15-20 reps each side.

Common mistakes

Consider the following seven common mistakes when you’re performing this exercise, so you can enhance the lower body strength, power, and balance.

  1. Lack of proper warm-up: Before attempting any plyometric exercise, from Donkey hop to one-leg reach, it is essential to adequately warm up your muscles and joints. Lack of proper warm-up can increase the risk of injury.
  2. Poor core engagement: The Donkey hop to one-leg reach exercise requires a significant amount of core strength and stability. Failing to properly engage your core muscles can hurt your form, increase your chance of injury and reduce the effectiveness of the exercise.
  3. Improper landing technique: Plyometric exercises such as the “Donkey hop to one-leg reach” involve a lot of jumping, which means proper landing technique is important to avoid injury. Landing too hard or landing with poor form can put unnecessary stress on your joints and increase your risk of injury.
  4. Lack of balance: The one-leg reach component of this exercise requires a significant amount of balance and stability. Failing to maintain your balance during this movement can reduce the effectiveness of the exercise and increase your risk of injury.
  5. Overtraining: While plyometric exercises can increase your lower body strength and power, it is essential to avoid overtraining. Performing too many repetitions or sets of this exercise can result in fatigue and increase the chances of sustaining an injury.
  6. Improper arm placement: During the one-leg reach component of this exercise, it is essential to place your opposite arm over your head. Failing to do so can throw off your form and reduce the effectiveness of the exercise.
  7. Lack of coordination: This exercise requires a high level of coordination between the upper and lower body. Failing to coordinate your movements properly can make the exercise less effective and increase the risk of injury.


The movements in this pack are designed to engage your larger muscles to burn more calories. It will activate movements and engage your core, glutes and upper body. Be prepared for some powerful exercises that will help burn that fat!

  • High calorie burn
  • Strengthen core and upper body
  • Increase heart endurance

According to the Discus Control Center, strength-training exercises such as “Donkey hop to one leg reach” are part of a well-balanced exercise regimen, with a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous aerobic activity and all major muscle groups in strength training. 1 2 And prevention. Include exercises targeting the muscles of the arms, abdomen, chest, back and shoulders, in addition to hips and glutes.

Bottom line

“Donkey hop to one leg reach”, in many ways target core, glutes and upper body where other compound exercises can’t. This step can be completed without equipment and can be modified for all fitness levels.

With the right form, it is a highly effective isolation exercise for your whole body cardiovascular workout. Incorporating in your routine will ensure that you achieve maximum benefit.

Make sure you feel comfortable and are in control of the Donkey hop movement before graduating to more challenging.


  1. “How much physical activity do adults need?” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Available from: https://www.cdc.gov/physicalactivity/basics/adults.[]
  2. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. “Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, 2nd edition.” Washington, DC: U.S.
    Department of Health and Human Services; 2018. Available from: https://health.gov/sites/default/files/2019-09/Physical_Activity_Guidelines_2nd_edition.[]